Step 1 - Sign up for Meghna Cloud Account
- Open
- Enter your Organization ID and Root Email correctly, especially your email address. If you enter your email address incorrectly, you cant access your account later. This email will be treated as your main email account in Meghna Cloud. Now choose Create
Please make sure that your Organization ID follows these few rules
- ID must not contain any type of white-spaces
- No special characters, only “-“ (dash) and “_” (underscore) are allowed
- Numeric characters are allowed (must not start with a numeric character).
- ID must not exceed 64-character limit.
At this point, you'll receive an email message to verify your email address. Please check your spam folder if you haven't received within five minutes. If you don't see it in 5 minutes, look in your spam folder. The email has a link. Click it to it complete the 2nd part of your registration.